we keep a caring eye on you
-Ραδιενεργές πηγές για βαθμονόμηση οργάνων (Eckert & Ziegler Nuclitec GmbH – DE)
-Όργανα QA/QC (Lab Logic Ltd)

-Ραδιενεργές πηγές για βαθμονόμηση οργάνων (Eckert & Ziegler Nuclitec GmbH)

Catalogue isotrak reference & calibration sources
EZIP catalogue reference & calibration sources
-Όργανα QA/QC (Lab Logic Ltd)
Scan-RAM radio-TLC Scanner
The innovative, flexible and compliant radio-TLC scanner
LabLogic’s radio-TLC Scanner, the innovative Scan-RAM, is designed to meet the ever increasing demands of the modern laboratory. Versatile and compact, the instrument is fully controlled by market leading radio chromatography package Laura for PET, providing accurate and reproducible results for radiochemical purity measurements

Dual Scan-RAM
radio-TLC and radio-HPLC System
The innovative, flexible and compliant radio-TLC scanner and radio-HPLC detector
LabLogic’s combined PET/SPECT radio-TLC Scanner and radio-HPLC detector, the innovative Dual Scan-RAM, is designed to meet the ever increasing demands of the modern laboratory. Versatile and compact, the instrument is fully controlled by market leading radio chromatography package Laura for PET, providing accurate and reproducible results for radiochemical purity measurements

radio-TLC Scanner and Multichannel Analyser
The innovative, flexible and multifunctional radio-TLC scanner and MCA
LabLogic’s PET/SPECT radio-TLC Scanner and Multichannel Analyser, the innovative Scan-RAM MCA, is designed to meet the ever increasing demands of the modern laboratory. Versatile and compact, the instrument is fully controlled by market leading radio chromatography package Laura for PET, providing accurate and reproducible results for both radiochemical purity and radionuclidic identity tests in one combined run

Laura for PET
PET/SPECT Radiochromatography Data Collection and Analysis Software
The ideal QC solution for the PET/SPECT production or R & D facility
Laura for PET offers a single software solution for control, data collection and reporting from radio-HPLC detectors, radio-TLC scanners, MCA, GC and HPLC systems.
Users only need learn one software system for the complete suite of QC instruments for PET/SPECT production but Laura also has the analysis power to support the needs of the research and development team as well.

PET LIMS Software
A dedicated Laboratory Information Management System, successfully implemented in PET Facilities around the world.
PETra is a true PET Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS), designed specifically for use within PET production facilities in order to improve efficiency and compliance.
Since it’s introduction to the market PETra has quickly become an industry favourite following successful installations in some of the world’s most prestigious and regulated PET facilities including Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology (Washington University, St Louis, USA), Herlev Hospital PET Centre (Copenhagen, Denmark), Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Research Centre (New York, USA) and a multi-site deployment at Triad Isotopes (USA).

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